U.S. Rep Colin Allred and state Rep. Victoria Neave participated along with 15 other elected officials to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic Convention on Tuesday, Aug. 18. Previous convention keynote speakers have gone on to run for higher office.

Much of the speech of Joe Biden’s proposals if he is elected president. Those proposals include expanding the Affordable Care Act, making drug prices more transparent and affordable, codifying Roe v. Wade, making childcare more readily available and affordable.

Neave replied with three other officials to one comment by saying, “That’s a big f’n deal.”

And she said about Biden, “He’ll never forget who he’s fighting for.”

In a summation, Allred said, “That’s what happens when Joe Biden is in your corner. Working families get a fair shot.”

At least one of the elected officials, Penn. State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, appeared on screen with his husband.

Each of the elected officials who participated in the keynote only had a few lines, but the keynote speaker at a convention is an important position. In 2016, Sen. Elizabeth Warren delivered the keynote and she went on to run for president in this year’s primaries. In 2012, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro gave the keynote and he became a member of President Barack Obama’s cabinet and also ran for president earlier this year. Obama gave the keynote as an Illinois state senator in 2004 before winning the presidency in 2008. And Texas state Treasurer Ann Richards keynote address propelled her into the governor’s mansion.

— David Taffet