While HRC field organizers are on the ground in Illinois ramping up the pressure on newly elected Sen. Mark Kirk to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, HRC interns and volunteers were busy making hundreds of phone calls and mobilizing our members in key state house districts to contact their legislators to pass the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act (SB 1716).

This legislation, which we have been working closely on with openly gay state Representative Greg Harris, would provide all the same rights and responsibilities given to married couples to same or opposite-sex couples who entered into a legal civil union in the state.  With the vast majority of the people of Illinois supporting this measure, we need to send a clear message to the legislature – the time is now to treat all families in Illinois with the same dignity and respect.

The bill has a good chance of passing before the end of the year, but we need make sure undecided legislators hear from their constituents.  To look up and contact your state representative, just click here. Once you have your state representative’s phone number, give them a call and give the office staff your name, address and tell them you want your representative to vote for SB 1716, the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act.  It’s that simple!

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