By John Wright Staff Writer

Police to step up patrols on jogging trail after a women is beaten, robbed on path near Carlisle Street

Dallas police officers patrol the Katy Trail on bicycles Wednesday, Nov. 28, a day after a female bicyclist was beaten and robbed on the trail near Carlisle Street. (JOHN WRIGHT/Dallas Voice)

Two teens have been arrested in connection with a beating and robbery on the Katy Trail this week.

Meanwhile, Dallas police say they plan to increase patrols in the wake of the attack Tuesday, Nov. 27 the latest in a handful of violent incidents on the 3.5-mile trail this year.

Elizabeth Prezio, 47, was near the 2900 block of Carlisle Street at about 1:30 p.m. when two male suspects knocked her off her bike and began to punch and kick her, according to police reports.

The men took Prezio’s iPod and cellphone before fleeing eastbound on foot. Prezio, who complained of severe pain in her pelvis and ankle after the attack, was taken to Baylor University Medical Center, where she was in fair condition Wednesday morning. She reportedly has multiple broken bones.

On Wednesday night, Dallas police said a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old who were taken into custody will face robbery charges. The 17-year-old, Jose Torres, was picked out of a photo lineup by the victim, police said.

“It’s not like we had a string of these, so it looks more like they were just goofing off,” said Senior Cpl. Kevin Janse, a spokesman for DPD. “She [the victim] said they were even laughing as they were doing it. I think possibly the stealing was just second thought. It’s pretty sad.”

Janse said police plan to increase bike and foot patrols on the trail by uniformed and plain-clothes officers.

Janse also encouraged trail users as well as people who live or work nearby and have a view of the trail or its entrances to contact police when they see suspicious activity.

“It’s an extremely safe trail if you want my opinion,” Janse said. “I’ve known other parks and jogging paths in the city that are a lot worse than this.

“It’s on our radar for the simple fact that this occurred, but is it a dangerous trail? I would say by no means.”

Trail users should avoid wearing headphones so they can hear what’s going on around them, Janse said.

They also should avoid carrying valuables and walking alone, and pay attention to mile markers so they can report their locations, the officer suggested.

In July, a man used a box cutter to attack a woman and her husband who were riding their bikes on the trail.

A home-improvement contractor who catered to the LGBT community, 44-year-old Arthur Morrison, later was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in connection with attack.

For reactions from Katy Trail users to the incident, see Query of the Week.


This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition November 30, 2007 реклама в метро ценыразработка корпоративных web сайтов