
Dale Hansen shown here as a young hunk.

As long as Dale Hansen brought up the subject, we’ll say it. Dale, at Dallas Voice, we voted that you still got it. You are officially one red-hot piece of beefcake.

When Michael Sam came out in February, Hansen said the NFL was ready for a gay player. Apparently, he was the only sportscaster in the country who said anything like that because the commentary got noticed nationally and landed him on Ellen.

Once Sam was drafted, Hansen weighed in again. His commentary is below. Hansen said he can’t believe there are 248 college players better than Sam. He also mentioned he’s worked with lots of gay guys at Channel 8 over the years, and he’s never gotten hit on by any of them. He wonders if it’s just because gay men tend to be professional at work or if he’s just not that attractive.

So, Dale, we want to assure you it’s just how professional your colleagues have been. You are one hot hunk, and we love you. Why, we’re even nominating you to be grand marshal of this year’s Pride parade in September.

I bet when Hansen meets Sam, if Sam gives him a hug and thanks him for being the only sports reporter in the country to fully support him from the beginning, Hansen is just secure enough to take it as nothing more than a sincere thank you.

And a note to Sam’s new team: He’s not going to hit on you. He already has a pretty great boyfriend.