State Reps. Celia Israel, Jessica Gonzalez and Julie Johnson (at the microphone) were among those attending a rally at the Texas Capitol Wednesday, April 28, calling on lawmakers to reject anti-trans legislation. (Photo courtesy of Josh Shook)

Texas women leaders from across the state rallied supporters outside the Texas Capitol on Wednesday, April 28, to call on lawmakers to reject ongoing attempts to pass legislation targeting LGBTQ Texans, especially transgender people.

The rally called out two specific types of legislation. The first type is medical care bans that would criminalize age-appropriate, private life-saving medical care determined necessary by health care experts, parents and transgender youth, including HB68, HB68, HB1399, HB2693/SB 1311 and HB4014/SB 1646.

The second type of legislation the women object to are sports ban bills that would require K-12 youth to participate in sports according to the gender on their birth certificate, essentially banning transgender youth from participating in line with their gender identity and “barring them from the friendship, education, teamwork, and health benefits of playing a sport.” These bills include HB1458, HB3455, HB4042, HB4043, SB29 and SB373.

Photos courtesy of Josh Shook.

— Tammye Nash