Transgender Republican candidate Monique Worthy with Sen. Ted Cruz (via Worthy’s campaign website.)

Two Wichita Falls Republicans have announced their candidacies for Texas’ District 13 seat in the U.S. House, and one of those two is a transgender woman, according to

Monique Worthy and Kevin McInturff have both said they will be running to replace Rep. Mac Thornberry, the Republican who has held the seat for 24 years. Thornberry announced in late September he would not be running for re-election in 2020. He was the sixth Republican incumbent to announce they would not be seeking another term in Congress.

Worthy — whose campaign website includes a plea for help in either raising the money to pay the filing fee or to get the 500 signatures necessary to file without paying the fee — told that her campaign slogan is “Make Congress Great Again,” and that she is the “outspoken, openly conservative candidate the 13th district needs.” She said, “Black people are mostly Christian, and we mostly believe in things that the bible teaches us. We believe in not spending so frivolously. … Most of us don’t believe in abortion. You ask any black person around, they want to keep their babies. It was a mistake, but ‘Hey, we have to live with them.'”

Worthy also said she wants to make sure all immigrants that enter the country do so legally, while adding that she doesn’t agree that immigrants are doing the job U.S. citizens won’t do. “I know plenty of Americans who will get out there and work some construction and stuff like that if you paid them the right dollar,” she said.

The “Videos” page on Worthy’s website features her discussing issues, including, “Is Donald Trump the racist they try to make him out to be?” and “We don’t owe the world’s poor anything: President Trump is absolutely right on illegal immigration … whether you like it or not.”

The website includes photos of Worthy with Sen. Ted Cruz (above) and Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (both of whom are blatantly anti-transgender), and one that appears to show her with Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr.

This is Worthy’s first run for office, and she told the TexomasHomePage site she “fell in love with politics” during the 2008 election cycle when she was incarcerated and starting listening to a lot of conservative radio talk shows.

McInturff said he stands for “core Republican valUes,” including the idea that government should be smaller, smarter and more efficient. But he also pledged that, if elected, he would carry a spirit of bipartisanship to Washington and would strive to work with Democrats as well as Republicans to “start getting things done that most people care about.”

Read more about McInturff on his campaign website here.

Read more about Worthy on her campaign website here.

— Tammye Nash