Screen Shot 2011-01-27 At 3.46.13 PmAnd now let’s have Prop 8’s most prominent pastor, Jim Garlow, tell you what his dream version of President Obama would have said in Tuesday’s State of the Union:

[In The President’s voice:] “I have tragically hastened to destroy the No. 1 preserver of all that is good in society – the family, consisting of a mother and a father. In my need to be politically correct, and my desire to garner more votes from the nuclear family attackers, I was drawn in to their errors and sins of redefining the family. I am ashamed of this. I am sorry. I ask for forgiveness.

I have helped to demoralize the military that defends us. I ran roughshod over 59% of the US Marines when I forced my social experimentation upon them, coercing them to accept lifestyles as normative, with no thought of troop readiness and cohesion. I was drawn in to the errors, lies and sins of political correctness, at the expense of truth. I am ashamed of this. I am sorry. I ask for forgiveness.”

Guest Post by Jim Garlow: Obamas Dream State of the Union Speech [AFA]

Personally our dream prez would say something like, “Peace is achieved, disease is cured, divisions are healed, all are finally respected, and prosperity is now in everyone’s immediate path.” But hey — some dream in color, while others dream in discriminatory slight.

Good As You