SOFIA BOUTELLA in a spectacular, all-new cinematic version of the legend that has fascinated cultures all over the world since the dawn of civilization: "The Mummy." From the sweeping sands of the Middle East through hidden labyrinths under modern-day London, "The Mummy" brings a surprising intensity and balance of wonder and thrills in an imaginative new take that ushers in a new world of gods and monsters.Remakes! Uggh. How many times can we see an origin story, or a retread of a familiar, legend, before we say “Enough!”
Well, at least one more.
A friend told me the other night he has just seen a trailer that wowed him. I knew the film was coming out, but hadn’t seen the trailer, so I tracked it down … and not only does it do what a trailer should (make you want to see the film), it also shows you how to update, change and reimagine an old saw — in this case, The Mummy — for a contemporary audience. Here is the trailer, then, for Tom Cruise’s next big hit. Enjoy.