Now in its 11th year, Uptown Players’ fundraiser, Broadway Our Way, lightheartedly pits the men against the women to determine who the true Divas of the Dallas stage really are. The evening features selections from your favorite Broadway shows both past and present, done with an Uptown Players twist!

This years cast includes: Mikey Abrams, Beth Albright, Lon Barrera, Kellie Carroll, Coy Covington, Brendan Cyrus, Marisa Diotalevi, BJ Cleveland, Lee Jamison, Summer Kenny, Linda Leonard, Emily Lockhart, Kevin Moore, Michael Moore, Thomas Renner, Stephanie Riggs, Calvin Roberts, Darius Robinson, Ashton Shawver, Rick Starkweather, Amy Stevenson, Angel Velasco, Lisa Ward and Paul J Williams with special guests Denise Lee and Shane Peterman.

DEETS: Kalita Humphreys Theater, 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd. 8 p.m. Through Jan. 27. Buy tickets here.