This from PolitiFact, as tipped to us by indefatigable researcher Alvin McEwen:

Bottom line: The National Organization for Marriage [Rhode Island] mailing says that Massachusetts public schools teach kindergartners about gay marriage. The wording, including the present tense verb, gives the impression this is happening Falsenow, in many schools.

But the group’s only evidence is two incidents five years ago. It’s possible that somewhere, in one of the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts, other kindergartners have been taught about same-sex marriage. But NOM couldn’t cite any other examples. We find its statement False.

National Organization for Marriage says Massachusetts public schools teach kindergartners about gay marriage [PolitiFact]

(via: Holy Bullies & Headless Monsters)

Just a tip, PolitiFact staffers, moving forward: You’ll probably find it easier to note when you find one of its fearful marriage claims 100% factual rather than the times you find fallacy. After all, you do have to sleep.

Good As You