
Rep. Tom Price

President-elect Donald Trump named Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., to lead the 80,000-person Department of Health and Human Services. Price has earned a score of “zero” on the past three HRC Congressional Scorecards, and is fiercely opposed to the Affordable Care Act, which extends protections to LGBTQ people in heath care settings.
In the 114th Congress, Price did not support the Customer Non-Discrimination Act, which would protect LGBTQ people from discrimination from healthcare providers.
As recently as 2013, he has also claimed LGBTQ rights had a negative health impact; opposes a woman’s right to choose; and voted against funding for Planned Parenthood.
NPR reports that Price has also “voted against legislation aimed at prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation; for a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman; and against the bill that would’ve ended the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy regarding disclosure of sexual orientation in the military.”