TOAST OF THE TOWN  |  Leadership Lambda Toastmasters Club will hold an open house for new members on Monday, Oct. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the Champagne Lounge at ilume. In 1997, the group was chartered as the first LGBT Toastmasters group in the world. Toastmasters helps members speak confidently, become leaders and improve their communications skills through practice. Pictured from left: Manoj Pinnameneni, Larry Davidson, Keva Ward, Marty Ruiz, D. Scott Cooper and Karen Llewellyn. (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)
TOAST OF THE TOWN | Leadership Lambda Toastmasters Club will hold an open house for new members on Monday, Oct. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the Champagne Lounge at ilume. In 1997, the group was chartered as the first LGBT Toastmasters group in the world. Toastmasters helps members speak confidently, become leaders and improve their communications skills through practice. Pictured from left: Manoj Pinnameneni, Larry Davidson, Keva Ward, Marty Ruiz, D. Scott Cooper and Karen Llewellyn. (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)