Above is the latest from gay real estate agent Bob McCranie’s Facebook page, which seems to provide an endless source of material for this blog. As we’ve reported, the emergence of an LGBT community in Carrollton hasn’t come without some backlash. McCranie reports:

Just reported/blocked a guy who sent me a threatening FB e-mail saying we “Carrollton Sickos” need to “move on” with an image of the devil. Threats work only if the person threatened stays silent. I have no idea who this person is but I hope someone who does know them takes a minute or two to educate him.

If you live in Carrollton and want to get involved with the local LGBT group, the next monthly meeting of the Carrollton Project is from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Joe’s Pizza, 1855 E. Frankford, Suite 100.seriesportal.comуслуги копирайтера стоимость