Texas Equity PAC logo 2012A state House candidate endorsed by Equality Texas will be the lucky winner of a $1,000 donation based on the number of votes they receive in the Texas Equity PAC Challenge through Feb. 1.

The five candidates’ are state Rep. Alma Allen, D-Houston, state Rep. Lon Burnam, D-Fort Worth, openly LGBT state Rep. Mary Gonzalez, D-El Paso,  lesbian House District 50 candidate Celia Israel and state Rep. Sarah Davis, R-Houston.

This is the first time Equality Texas has endorsed a Republican. Davis, who’s attracted a right-wing challenger in the primary, is considered an LGBT ally and spoke at Log Cabin Republicans’ conference last year. She faced lesbian attorney Ann Johnson in the General Election in 2012. Equality Texas didn’t endorse in the race that year. She scored the highest among Republicans on the Equality Texas Legislative Scorecard last year with a 71.

While the list is of pro-LGBT people, Equality Texas said these five have been identified as races in which they could use a little extra help.

“This is a list of pro-LGBT candidates that we believe are in races where a little bit of support, a push from the LGBT community and our allies, could make the difference between advancing the cause of equality, or falling behind,” Equality Texas states in a press release. “Some of these candidates are incumbents facing anti-LGBT challengers from their own parties. Some are incumbents facing pro-LGBT challengers who lack experience, seniority or proven track records. Some are first-time candidates we believe have the potential to be great assets for equality.”

Whichever candidate receives the most votes in the form of donations will receive $1,000 from Texas Equity PAC.

Their donations pages are below.

State Rep. Alma Allen

State Rep. Lon Burnam

State Rep. Sarah Davis

State Rep. Mary Gonzalez

House District 50 candidate Celia Israel