Supreme-Court-building-permissionSeven marriage equality cases from five states — Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Indiana and Wisconsin — were distributed to the Supreme Court justices to be discussed at their first conference on Sept. 29. The first session of the court is the first Monday in October when the justices will begin announcing which cases they will hear in the 2014-15 session, according to Freedom to Marry.

With more seven cases already heard and decided by appeals courts, it’s more likely the high court will take up one or more of them during this session.

Earlier speculation was that the court would let the marriage debate play out at the appeals level for at least another year before taking up the issue.

If the court does not announce a marriage case on its docket after the Sept. 29 conference, the cases will remain on their list of possible cases at future conferences.

I read through one of the petitions. Utah has no new arguments, just seeks to dehumanize us. But their picture of straight people isn’t too hot either.

In its cert petition, the state of Utah talks about “Those who favor redefining marriage as the union of any two or more persons …” vs. “Those who wish to retain the opposite-sex marriage model [and] believe the government has no legitimate interest in formally recognizing mere loving relationships, whether opposite-sex or same-sex.”

In other words, same-sex couples believe in polygamy while straight couples don’t necessarily love each other, but are always breeding. And gays and lesbians don’t have kids.