Screen shot 2014-05-13 at 8.58.03 AMI usually ignore stupid. I ignore it when people tell me I could pass for white. I ignore it when I hear someone say Africa is a country (help us, sweet Jesus), and I didn’t say a word when someone once said to me, “Don’t put too much ice in the glass cause when it melts it will spill over.” I swear she did.

So, I was tempted to ignore this email because it just reeks of stupid. A man named Weldon Cranfield sent it to our publisher, Leo Cusimano, who forwarded it to me. It seems Weldon’s Christian sensibilities are reeling after the Rams drafted Michael Sam this weekend. Bless his heart. I mean, it’s OK for Christians to murder, enslave, invade heathen countries (it’s for their own good) and stomp out other religions in the name of God, but OMG … Earth is ready to spin off its axis because an out gay man got drafted by those infidel Rams. Shame on them.

You’ll have to read lil’ ol’ Weldon’s email. It’s a jewel. I’m still trying to figure out how “blacks compromise just 12% of the population” as Weldon claims. Is he bragging that we’ve kept them from compromising more? It’s a wonder Texas and the other Southern states survived integration. Didn’t the prophets predict civilization would perish if black and white children attended school together? Or if blacks and whites ate in the same restaurant? W.A. Criswell, the intellectually impoverished leader of First Baptist Church of Dallas from 1944 to 1991, said it would. The day after the Brown v. Board of Education decision, Criswell preached a sermon that explained why God had ordained segregation. Straight out of the ass’ mouth. I mean horse’s.

Anyway, we were speaking about Weldon and his gifted use of language. Compromise, comprise. What’s the difference? Weldon is concerned, after all, for the good of all, and a black, out gay player in the NFL isn’t for the good of all. Just ask Weldon. Better yet, read his email. I’ve included his email address in case you want to thank him. I love how he signs off with “Sincerely.” Gosh, he’s polite.

“Dear Sir,

“The news today is Michael Sam became the first seventh round draft pick ever to get a call from the president of the United States and the president wasn’t calling him to congratulate him for his football prowess.  He is not that gifted as a football player!  He was drafted because he is a homosexual?

“There are less than 2 percent of Americans who are homosexual or lesbian people. Americans should not let 2 percent of the population change the definition of marriage that has been supported by every single culture and every single religion for 5,000 years. Not to mention the medical ramifications.

“While the Center for Disease Control reports that 78% of all new HIV infections are among males, primarily those who have had sex with other men, HIV/AIDS is taking a monstrous toll on the young man in particular. According to the CDC, more than a quarter of all new HIV infections in the United States are found in young males between the ages of 13–24, particularly in young males between 20–24, the category into which Sam falls. In fact, young man are the only age group in which the rate of HIV/AIDS infections is showing a significant increase.

“Despite the fact that blacks compromise just 12% of the population, blacks who are Sam’s age represent an astonishing 57% of all new cases among young males. There are more new HIV infections among young black males (aged 13–24) than any other age or racial group period. Alarmingly, the estimated rate of new HIV infections for black males is eight times as high as that of white men.

“In other words, as a young, black, homosexual male, Michael Sam is in the single highest risk category for HIV/AIDS that exist on the planet. Ole Roger Goodell and the NFL should be warning him, not glorifying him.

“Alas, the only people who truly care for Michael Sam are those who love him enough to tell him the truth about the health risks of homosexual behavior – and that sadly does not include the Roger Goodell or the NFL. They long ago sold their souls to the virulent, vitriolic bullies and bigots of big Gay. But it will be Michael Sam who pays the price for their soulless cowardice.

“Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that “homosexuality for over 200 years has been criminal in every state.” My wife and our family and the majority of Americans (87%) refuse to celebrate sexual abnormality. We find it offensive and morally objectionable and is in no way a right in the U.S. Constitution. Society does not benefit from perversion, but rather ends up in decline. Calling Homosexuality a sin is truth, not hatred or bigotry.

“You have no right to be immoral in a Christian nation where sodomy and homosexuality is against the law. Nobody believes that perversion is a human rights issue. It has never been morally unacceptable and we find it very offensive.

“Sincerely, Weldon”

You can email Weldon at God love him.