By Jack Fertig


Wilson Cruz turns 37 on Monday. He gained fame as the fey high school pal to Claire Daines in My So-Called Life, but the actor seems to thrive on more independent fare. His next three movies are all low-budget flicks with him in supporting roles. But we love that he always seems to find gay characters to play that don’t end up with tragic finales.



Mars and Eros in a square provoke war and strife, but Mercury turning direct in Sagittarius opens new ways to negotiate through troubles. Mars is in Capricorn, better placed than Mercury and Eris, so hard work and long-range
strategies are the key.


CAPRICORN  Dec 21-Jan 19
Nagging worries are actually clues to solutions. Straightforward, logical approaches to those problems could make things worse. Check out those odd instincts even if they seem a bit loopy.

AQUARIUS  Jan 20-Feb 18
Inside your head is a dangerous place. Don’t let yourself be caught there alone. Have laughs with friends to avoid nerves and dithering. Their perspective and some fresh air will help.

PISCES  Feb 19-Mar 19
You’ll get ahead step by step, not fussing over the next decade. Focus on the job in front of you. Well-intended advice is probably ill-considered but could be a springboard to a better idea.

ARIES  Mar 20-Apr 19
Stay focused on your goals. A straight-ahead attack is likely to trip you up. Consider different approaches. Get your ego out of the way and try new ways of working with others.

TAURUS  Apr 20-May 20
Sex relieves tension and ends arguments. It doesn’t solve the problems. Even if the problem isn’t with your partner, a good romp can put you in a more constructive frame of mind.

GEMINI  May 21-Jun 20
The craziness of the times is working everybody’s nerves, so share whatever problems you’re feeling. Talking with your partner or a close friend, even if it’s just to let off steam, is a huge relief.

CANCER  Jun 21-Jul 22
Integrating partnership and career is a common challenge. Too bad there’s no common solution. Discussing it with colleagues helps you get new perspectives. Partnership is a full-time job.

LEO  Jul 23-Aug 22
Master your art, brush up on your sport and hone your skill at your hobbies. New ideas may seem too contradictory, but consider them at least. Play with crazy notions.

VIRGO  Aug 23-Sep 22
Healing rifts in your family takes creative efforts, but you can do it. Your efforts to persuade people to work together are over-emphatic. A nudge is more effective than a shove.

LIBRA  Sep 23-Oct 22
Your efforts at domestic peacemaking go awry. Drawing out the arguments from either side helps you understand the situation better and it gets others to hear each other more clearly.

SCORPIO  Oct 23-Nov 21
Impatience and rushing gets you into awful accidents. Look ahead, think strategically and only act once you have a good plan in place and a plan B for anything simple.

SAGITTARIUS  Nov 22-Dec 20
Finally you clear up misunderstandings and screw-ups. Financial obstacles are circumvented with creativity, but think ahead to make sure those strategies are sound. Do not go out on a limb.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition December 24, 2010.