By Jack Fertig


James Franco turns 32 on Tuesday. The actor has won the hearts of gay audiences with his work in movies like Milk and Howl as well as going drag for the cover of Candy magazine. And while he was panned for his lackadaiscal hosting at this year’s Oscars, isn’t that what we love about him? Such a glorious rebel.



Mercury turning direct while conjunct Mars in Aries will open up daring, impulsive ideas. Both planets are opposing Saturn in Libra so those ideas are sure to hit walls of critical feedback. Work with that! Those fiery notions need discipline and real-world testing.


ARIES Mar 20-Apr 19
Take care of yourself first, so you can be in service to those around you who need help. When you’re clear on who you are, you can be the most generous star in the sky.

TAURUS Apr 20-May 20
Think about your last will and testament as an exercise in who and what is important. When you’re gone, what will be left? The real question: What do you want to achieve before then?

GEMINI May 21-Jun 20
Your social goals are clearer than your personal ambitions. Feeling vague about your career signals a transition that leads to greater clarity. Talk about it with your friends for help.

CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22
Work and accomplishment are keys to fulfillment. A personal best is more meaningful than competition. Share work and credit to get more done and learn from others how to do a better job.

LEO Jul 23-Aug 22
Be as loud and outspoken as you like. If that gets you into arguments, treat them as a game. Playfulness is sexier than conquest, although you don’t need help in that department either.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sep 22
An erotic competition with your lover helps you come together in more ways than one. Sharing ideas, even if you don’t act on them, can build intimacy, laying the foundation of a happy home.

LIBRA Sep 23-Oct 22
Be clear about whom you’re competing with and competing against. Empathizing with colleagues helps, but clear verbal communication is more reliable than warm, fuzzy feelings.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 21
Take responsibility for boosting morale at work. Small competitive games bring people together. Reevaluate your health regimen. You’re out for a personal best, not to outdo others.

Push for your best performance but trying to best others is secondary. If that becomes your goal you can cause rancor among people in your family or community.

CAPRICORN Dec 21-Jan 19
Empathetic communication diffuses a lot of the trouble. Practical techniques, sensible logic and the “tried and true” aren’t really helping. Trust more in your intuition.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18
If being more clever than your friends is important, you need new friends — or maybe they do. Who really does count in your life and why? Tell them — not for their sake, but for your own.

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 19
Sweetness and empathy are your best traits when they’re not a cover for codependency. Cultivate traits that drive you to success. If you want to help others, do it from a position of strength.

Jack Fertig can be reached at 415-864-8302 or

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 15, 2011.