By Tammye Nash

5 questions with Catherine Mouton

Catherine Mouton is special events coordinator for the Resource Center of Dallas and is in charge of organizing all internal and external fundraising events for the center. Her major projects each year include the Toast to Life Gala in February and the Summer Strut Home Tour in June. She describes herself as the GLBT center’s “token straight girl.”

1. How did a straight women end up working at a GLBT resource center?
A friend of mine worked with someone who was on the Resource Center’s board, and she knew I had helped organize some events before and that I was interested in this kind of work. So she e-mailed me the job description, and when I saw that e-mail, I knew was supposed to have this job.

2. What did you do before you worked at the Resource Center?
I did some volunteer work in high school and in college on helping organize some events, and in my previous job I was an event sales coordinator.

3. Is it hard to be a straight woman working in almost entirely GLBT environment?

Not at all. My boss is Marianne DeLeon, and I absolutely love her. It really never crosses my mind that I am working with people whose sexual orientation is different. What matters is that I have a job doing something I feel passionate about. This is the most wonderful and accepting place to work. I couldn’t think of a better work environment. Maybe I don’t have first-hand experience being gay or HIV-positive, but knowing my co-workers and meeting our clients seeing first-hand where the money we raise goes that’s what counts. It’s like a calling for me.

4. Do you do any kind of volunteer work?
Everyone here knows I love animals. I have a pet-sitting service I do on the side, and I volunteer with a couple of different animal rescue groups. I got involved in animal rescue through some friends, then I got even more involved when Hurricane Katrina hit. I worked to find homes for those pets.

5. How do you avoid burn-out in a high stress job?
I work a lot, but I always make time for my friends. That’s what keeps you sane.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 2, 2006. услуги интернет реклама сайта