Sen. Paul Koering
Sen. Paul Koering

There’s been no shortage of scandals in recent years involving elected officials. It’s a long, long list, and one I’m not even gonna try to repeat it here.
Usually when it happens, the person that got caught responds in one of two ways: They issue blustery denials or they issue tearful apologies and beg forgiveness. Wait, okay, they respond in one of three ways, the third being blustery denials followed by tearful apologies.
But rarely — if ever — do we see a response like the one Minnesota State Sen. Paul Koering offered up after it hit the news that he had dinner with gay porn star Brandon Wilde, as reported by AVN Media Network. Basically, Koering answered with what amounts to a shoulder shrug and a “So what?”
Koering, who is a Republican and openly gay, said: ““I don’t see anything wrong with going out with him. Do I think that being a porn star is the best thing? No. But that’s his choice. I think he’s a nice guy.”

The dinner date came to light thanks to Wilde’s Twitter post: ““lol so funny!! in 45 mins im going 2 dinner with the senator :).”
Wilde had a profile on (the same place George Rekers found a nice young man to carry his bags), but it has been removed and he has said he did not connect with Koering through that site. Instead, he said, they met online through a mutual friend and met later in person at a gay Pride picnic.
What’s amazing to me is that I saw only one story online about the date between the porn star and the senator. Usually, these “scandals” are splashed across headlines everywhere, and I would have expected the right-wingers to pounce on this one right off the bat. I mean, a gay senator and a porn star? That’s golden for the “family values” crowd.
But no. No real hoopla. Maybe because everybody else agrees with Koering that it’s no big deal. Maybe he stole their scandalized thunder by refusing to respond either with bluster or tears. Maybe there’s a lesson there for others: Honesty is the best policy.