News broke this morning that the Senate could take up the National Defense Authorization Act — the bill to which “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal is attached — as early as today.  Now, it’s up to us. We’ve got to pressure wavering senators and tell them to debate the NDAA and keep the DADT repeal provision in tact.  Whether the vote comes up today or anytime soon, NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL.

Click here for details on how to call and what to say. Then tell report back to us that you called.

It only takes two minutes to call your senator’s office and every senator has staff on hand to answer the phones and speak to constituents. Call your senators now at 202-224-3121.

If you don’t get through right away, try again – the phones may be overwhelmed by hateful calls from right-wing activists, but it’s crucial that your voice is heard.

  1. Call one senator’s office, and tell the staff person who answers where you live so they know you’re a real constituent.
  2. Tell them you want the senator to support staying in session for as long as it takes to pass the defense bill, which includes repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” this year – and that you’ll remember how they vote when they’re next up for election.
  3. Thank them, hang up, and make your second call to the other senator.
  4. Click here to let us know you made a call – we use this information to guide our lobbying efforts, so please don’t skip it.

You’re not done: Save the Congressional Switchboard number – (202) 224-3121 – in your cell phone right now. Then hand it to a friend, then a co-worker, and ask them to make two calls. While you’re at it, tell your family and your Facebook friends to call as well.

We need as many calls as possible in order to make repeal happen in 2010.

The time for debate is over. Let’s end the discrimination and prejudice once and for all.

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