Texas Sen. Brandon Creighton

SB25 — which would allow doctors to withhold information from pregnant women about the status of their fetus and then, if the child were born with a deformity or disability, prevent the parents from suing the doctor for withholding the information — has passed out of the Senate Committee on State Affairs on an 8-0 vote and is headed to the full Senate.
Sen. Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe, the author of the bill, said current law sends the message that “wrongful births” are real and discriminates against children born with disabilities. “The presence of a disability in a child should not be grounds for a lawsuit,” Creighton said. “I feel that Senate Bill 25, if passed, would be in line with a large majority of Texans and their values.”
The purpose of the bill is to prevent women, who may consider an abortion if the fetus is not properly forming, from deciding whether or not to abort the fetus.
Blake Rocap, legislative director for NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, said, “We shouldn’t have to stand up and say that it shouldn’t be policy for the state of Texas to excuse doctors from lying to their patients, and that is what this bill does.”
Creighton has served in the Texas Senate since 2014 and voted against a bill requiring vaccines for minors and against a bill to prohibit texting while driving. I guess because he thinks contracting diseases and being killed while driving are both good things?