Rebeca Arrellano, left, and Haileigh Adams

It’s easy — and, I think, common — for those of us who are a bit older to bemoan the state of our youth today. We gripe about their lack of respect, their lack of ambition, the way they dress, the music they listen to — the list goes on.

But news this week out of San Diego indicates that perhaps we old folks could learn a few lessons from the young’uns.

On Friday, Oct. 28, during their homecoming pep rally, students at Patrick Henry High School elected lesbian Rebeca Arellano as their  2011 homecoming king. Then on Saturday night, Oct. 29, at the homecoming dance, they named Rebeca’s girlfriend, Haileigh Adams, as their homecoming queen. Read that again: The two girls were elected by their classmates. And if you read the articles about the event, it looks like their classmates are, for the most part, satisfied with their choice.

But some of the older folks are not so happy. In fact, according to this article in the Los Angeles Times and the Fox 5 news report video you can watch below, some older folks are being downright hateful about it.

Officials with Patrick Henry High say they have been deluged with hate mail and hateful calls since news reports of Rebeca and Haileigh’s elections were published, and some of those comments and calls have been, they said, “disturbing.”

San Diego schools Supt. Bill Kowba told the LA Times that adults sending the hateful calls and letters are “demonstrating such a lack of tolerance and are presenting such a negative role model for children with their hateful comments.” He noted that if it were students behaving so badly, they would be disciplined, and then, after congratulating Rebeca and Haileigh, declared, “I look forward to the day when all students can come to school, free of harassment and bullying.”

Looks to me like there are a bunch of us “adults” out there who could stand to learn a lesson from the youngsters at Patrick Henry High.