
The Rev. Bill McElvaney, seated between George Harris and Jack Evans at their wedding ceremony in February. (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)

The Rev. Bill McElvaney is the retired pastor of Northaven United Methodist Church who did quite a bit to welcome the LGBT community to the church when some of the other Methodist churches in the area weren’t as welcoming.

Earlier this year, he announced he would perform same-sex weddings despite the Methodist Church’s ban. In March, he married Jack Evans and George Harris, who have been together 53 years. McElvaney was suspended later that month pending an investigation, although the case was always unlikely to go to trial.

At the time of the wedding, McElvaney was being treated for liver cancer. Although he sat while performing the ceremony, he walked down the aisle with the couple and his voice was strong throughout the ceremony.

I had the privilege of speaking to this sweet man at the wedding reception, and I wished our staunch ally the very best in the weeks and months ahead.

Here’s a message I received today that he sent to the congregation:

Bill McElvaney’s Message to Northaven

During the past three years of my chemo and radiation treatments, your prayers and various forms of encouragement have meant more than I can express in words and continue to do so.

Dr. Yull Arriaga, our oncologist, has been consistently honest and compassionate, informing us at our very first meeting in 2011 that my type of cancer was treatable but not curable.

The latest scan, one of many over the three years, reversed the mostly positive previous results and revealed additional tumors in the liver, as well as the cancer having spread into the right lung. Dr. Arriaga indicated we were beyond additional treatment except for experimental drugs that would provide less than a 10 percent chance for brief benefit and would probably cause harsh side effects.

With Fran’s support, I have chosen no further treatment. Dr. Arriaga will continue as our doctor; in fact, he said he would be with us all the way. We intend to proceed with engaging palliative care through hospice.

I believe I am in God’s hands as experienced throughout 86 years of amazing grace surrounding my life in countless ways, not the least through Fran’s superb loving care. We know we will both need your continued love and support, and we look forward to notes, phone calls and visits. Please call after 10 in the morning or after 4 in the afternoon.

I encourage us all to extend loving care to all Northaven members who are in special need.

Life is good; Grace abounds.

God’s Peace,
