
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a HERO

Did you log onto our website, DallasVoice.com, during January and vote for the best of gay life in North Texas? Cuz Christian Minnicks did, and for his efforts he won tickets to see Blue Man Group (and meet one of the Blue Men, pictured), as well as a tidy $500 for his troubles. We love being able to share some of the great things about our region with our readers, including its theatrical events, which are part of what makes the Metroplex a growing and vibrant region of the country, with one of the largest populations of LGBT residents anywhere. So sit down with a cup of coffee and review our annual “best-of” list — the Readers Voice Awards.

— Arnold Wayne Jones



Once again, we asked our loyal readers to weigh in on what they liked most about gay Dallas — from the nightlife to the entertainment options to their favorite businesses to patronize and where they care for their pets. And once again, you came through with flying colors. The annual Readers Voice Awards provides a keen snapshot into where our community stands in about 100 categories, with nearly 8,000 of you logging on to have your voice heard. And we listened.
For the second year in a row, the most popular overall category was Services, with Real Estate Agent the hottest single category. We are always happy to mix things up with new individual awards, from Best Lim/Car Service (Page 52) to Best Urgent Care Facility (Page 50) to Best Spa Treatment (Page 56) and even Best Theatrical Presenter (Page 61). Here, then, are your winners, your favorites, your opinions … your Voice.

— Arnold Wayne Jones

Editor: Arnold Wayne Jones
Writer: Arnold Wayne Jones
Ballot Tallying: Jesse Arnold, Stephen Mobley
Art Director: Kevin Thomas
Graphic Artist: Craig Tuggle
Photographers: Arnold Wayne Jones, Tammye Nash, Terry Thompson


Sales: Leo Cusimano, Chad
Mantooth, Kris Martin
Promotions: Terry Thompson