DALLAS MARKS GAY-RIGHTS HERO’S BIRTHDAY FOR FIRST TIME  |  Participants hold candles as they listen to speakers Tuesday, May 22, during Dallas’ first-ever Harvey Milk Day celebration at the Legacy of Love Monument.  About 25 people gathered for the event organized by GetEQUAL TX. With dusk fading to dark, they shielded their candles from gusty winds as they held vigil to mark the 82nd birthday of the gay-rights pioneer who twice called Big D home. Speakers read selections from the play ‘Dear Harvey’ and led the crowd in song through a megaphone. Balloons tied to the monument were released into the air at the end of the 40-minute celebration, following a rendition of ‘Happy Birthday.’ (John Wright/Dallas Voice)

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 25, 2012.