By DAVID TAFFET | Staff Writer

Do you think the economy is improving?

Natalia Kurilova — "It’s still pretty bad. I was laid off from the company I was working for for years. I think more jobs are going to be lost."

Salar Pourjavad — "It’s better than two years ago, but it’s not good."

Danny Pastrano — "Since I’m looking for a job, I don’t think it’s doing very good. The statistics say it’s improving. The thing I’m worried about is being out of work for a long time."

Efraim Garcia — "I think there are indicators that it’s improving."

Melissa Garcia — "We’ve had successful promotions at our store, but I don’t think everyone’s rushing out to buy a new TV yet."

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 30, 2010.сайтреклама с гугл