By David Taffet

What has been your biggest accomplishment this year?

Mark Milburn — "I bought TapeLenders."

Dave Pryor — "I helped with the SPCA."

Rebecca Benson — "Oh! I graduated from college. Sul Ross State University in West Texas."

Carlee Gonzales — "I rescued a puppy last week. A little mini pin. I’m not an animal person but this one’s a keeper."

Chad Roscher — "Accomplishment? Quite the opposite. 2009 was a year of shame and bad decision-making for me."

Dustin Potpie — "I got laid off from a creatively soul-sucking job."

Have a suggestion for a question you’d like us to ask? E-mail it to

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 01, 2010.vzlom2014.ruпродвижение а поисковиках