Queerly Beloved: A Love Story Across Genders by Diane and Jacob Anderson-Minshall (Bold Strokes Books 2014) $16.95; 235 pp.

There a million reasons to love, each as individual as the lovers. But what if your partner changed? What if it was a big change — like the one in Queerly Beloved?

At first, says Diane Anderson-Minshall, it was “just supposed to be about sex.” Suzy Minshall was just a hook-up — a knockout with long legs and blonde hair,  just the type Diane fell for. It didn’t take long for them to move in together, or to become the perfect lesbian couple.

But Suzy felt unsettled. She “tried on many things in the search for identity,” but something simmered in her. Diane sensed it before Suzy did, and while she was terrified of the implications, she let Suzy come to the realization herself: She wasn’t lesbian, she was a man born as a woman.

As a woman, Suzy was a feminist and deeply committed to the lesbian community; Diane was founder and editor of several lesbian publications. It bothered Suzy (now Jacob) during the transition to think that he might no longer be a part of that which he’d embraced for much of his life. Still, with the help of the woman he’d married four or five times (the number varies depending on who’s telling the story), Suzy continued with the transition to Jacob.

He began with hormone injections, a meaningful name change, and top surgery. Diane, though mourning what was lost, helped with a keen fashion sense and advice. Jacob re-examined his life, noting that his gender dysphoria had been inherent a long time, the clues scattered like breadcrumbs. He’d never wanted to be a girl, he “just wanted to be me in a male body.”

Queerly Beloved ain’t bad, but it ain’t great, either. My biggest irritation was that the authors repeat themselves a lot. There’s also too much time spent on the authors’ reasoning with a doth-protest-too-much slant, and very intimate oversharing that comes after adamant vows of not sharing.

While the irritations made me wince on occasion, there’s a compelling story here. Look harder, and you’ll find a deeply personal look at transitioning from the aspect of both the transitioner and the person who’s loved him for most of their lives. If you’re a sucker for romance, that right there could be enough reason to plunge into this book. Just be aware that Queerly Beloved might be one that’s tough to stay with.


— Terri Schlichenmeyer

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition July 11, 2014.