Queen Latifah has usually (and gracefully) sidestepped the lesbian issue in previous interviews, but when these pics came out last year, it seemed hard to be anything but out. We’re trying to figure out if that’s the case here. In a recent interview, she talked to Sister2Sister magazine about the ideal woman.

“I just like ladies who have class. Period. And if it’s ‘T and A’ you’re sellin’, that’s fine, as long as that’s what you’re selling. But you don’t have to show everything, you know? You can hold some back and just be yourself and let your personality shine and let your individuality show. To me, that’s sexier. A confident woman is a sexy woman, in my opinion.”

This quote is making the internet rounds but I fear it could be misleading. At least without reading the entire piece. While many other blogs and sites are seeing this as her closet exit, could she just be talking about something else in general? I wonder if the publication saw this quote as a selling piece and on its own, much could be speculated.