Donald Trump

A protest will take place tonight, Feb. 23, at 7 p.m. at Belo Gardens, 1014 Main St. against the Trump executive order rescinding Obama-era protections for transgender students. Belo Gardens is at the corner of Commerce and Griffin streets in downtown Dallas. West End and Akard stations are the closest DART stations.
The order was issued over the initial objections of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who said it was the “moral obligation” of every school to protect all students from discrimination and bullying.
The order was roundly condemned by LGBT community leaders.
“The withdrawal of this guidance is a devastating step back for transgender students, who today are receiving the message that the federal government will not vigorously defend their right to an education,” said Jennifer L. Levi, Transgender Rights Project Director, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders. “This unfortunate reversal of protections reflects crass, unprincipled political pandering.  The American people support fairness and equal treatment of all students and do not think vulnerable young people should be made pawns of a political drama being played out by the current administration.”
“In a shameful display of failed leadership, today President Trump succumbed to his extremist advisors and provided permission for schools to discriminate against transgender students,” said Aisha Moodie-Mills on behalf of Victory Institute. “The move – while abhorrent – is unfortunately not surprising. Regardless of Trump claiming he would be a friend to LGBT people, the reality is personnel is policy. Trump is surrounding himself with anti-LGBT appointees who demonize our community and reject the notion of civil rights for LGBT people, making anti-LGBT policies almost inevitable.”
“We are outraged at this incredibly harmful decision to rescind crucially important guidance ensuring transgender students are treated with dignity and respect.  Our military families with transgender children are especially fearful about the impact this harmful decision will have on their families,” said American Military Partner Association President Ashley Broadway-Mack.
Lambda Legal’s response was even more direct. “We will sue any school district that discriminates against trans students,” the organization tweeted.