Sam Castleberry wrote about a protest that will take place on Wednesday, April 14 at Friendship-West Baptist Church, 2020 W. Wheatland Road in Dallas at 6:30 p.m.
Rally for LOVE is in response to their Urgent Utterances Conference held at the church.
Sam wrote:

Last night at the Urgent Utterances Conference at Friendship-West Baptist Church, a hurtful and ugly message was directed against the LGBTQ community.  Homophobia and heterosexism was preached from the pulpit during this conference as a means to further inflame and harden the hearts of Christians against the LGBTQ community in the name of God. These kind of negative attacks continue to be a powerful voice among many Christian communities claiming to speak for churches about LGBTQ issues.
However, there are many who believe that the love of God is one of radical inclusion and unrelenting grace.  Religious leaders who actively encourage their congregations to deny full equality to LGBTQ people with inflamatory messages must be held accountable. The Bible and other sacred documents can no longer be held hostage by some who use these books as weapons against the LGBTQ community. The Bible has a long history of being hijacked to support the oppression and even at times murder of groups of people. We have only to look at the Inquistion, slavery, denying women equality, etc. to see very clearly what harm has transpired in the name of God. We get that those things were wrong. Today we must reach that same understanding regarding the LGBTQ community.
This will be a peaceful meeting, standing together in solidarity in all of who we are as LGBTQ people, people of faith in all the ways that we celebrate Spirit; calling for an end to the hatred preached from pupilts and calling for an end to using the church as a means to instill fear, inspire hatred and to deny equality to LGBTQ people.
**Please do not bring any negative signs, and refrain from name calling or ugly speak and confrontations.  This meeting is about peace and love.
