Have an event coming up? Email your information to Managing Editor Tammye Nash at nash@dallasvoice.com or Senior Staff Writer David Taffet at taffet@dallasvoice.com by Wednesday at 5 p.m. for that week’s issue.
Plan Your Week
The Gay Agenda is now color-coded: Red for community events; blue for arts and entertainment; purple for sports; green for nightlife and orange for civic events and holidays.
• Biweekly: Hope Cottage Foster Parent Information Meeting
Hope Cottage holds information meetings for those interested in becoming foster parents. The meetings are held alternately on Saturdays at 10 a.m. and Thursdays at 6 p.m. For information email Clyde Hemminger at chemminger@hopecottage.org.
• Every Monday: THRIVE
Resource Center’s THRIVE Monday Support Group for LGBTQ adults 50 and older meets virtually and is led by interns from the SMU counseling program. For more information on the support group and how to join, please send an email to THRIVE@myresourcecenter.org.
• Weekly: Frontrunners
Running club for the LGBTQ community and allies of DFW. Meet at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesdays and 8:30 a.m. on Saturdays at the corner of Hall Street and Turtle Creek Boulevard in Turtle Creek Park for a one-hour walk/run on the Katy Trail.
• Through July 31: The Prom
Broadway Series presents The Prom at the Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora St. ATTPAC.org.
• July 27: Same-sex spouse grief group
Grief support group for people who have lost a same-sex spouse or partner meets on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. For notifications, contact Richard DeKnock at tastefullyrichard@gmail.com.
• July 29-31: Yalla Raqs the Palace
Three-day convention featuring world-renowned Middle Eastern dance teachers, dancers and musicians — including Amaya, Aziza, Bozenka, Jamilla Al Wahid, Jillina and Karim Nagi — with classes during the day and shows and competitions each night at The Palace Arts Center, 300 S. Main St. in Grapevine. Seating begins at 6 p.m. with the show starting at 6:30 p.m. Friday, and seating at 5:30, shows at 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Arrive early to shops at vendor booths. In-person tickets are $65 for all three nights, or $25 each for Friday and Sunday, and $30 for Saturday. Zoom tickets are $50 for all three nights, $20 each for Friday and Sunday, and $25 for Saturday, available online at IsisAndTheStarDancers.com and at the ticket booth the day of the event.
• July 30: THRIVE Family Picnic Potluck
Join Resource Center’s Family and Community Services department for its first-ever Family Picnic Potluck for people 50 and older from noon-3 p.m. We will provide entree BBQ options from Aloha Hawaiian Barbecue, a vegetarian entree option and drinks. Since this will be a potluck, please let us know what you’d like to bring when you register at family@myresourcecenter.org.
• July 31: Rainbow Roundup
LGBTQ families get together for a day at Hawaiian Falls Mansfield, 490 Heritage Parkway South, Mansfield from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Info at Facebook.com/rainbowroundup.
• Through July 31: The Language of Beauty in African Art
Presenting over two hundred works of art, The Language of Beauty in African Art emphasizes concepts of beauty through the languages and perspectives of indigenous African communities. Kimbell Art Museum, 3333 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth. KimbellArt.org.
• Aug. 2: Classic Chassis Car Club meeting
Enjoy the cars out in the parking lots and then enjoy the food from 6-8 p.m. at Ojeda’s, 4617 Maple Ave. ClassicChassis.com.
• Aug. 2: PrimeTimers
First Tuesday lunch and games at 11:30 a.m. at Flaming Buffet, 11722 Marsh Lane.
• Aug. 2: Let’s Do Dinner
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Dinner takes place the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at El Fenix, 6391 Camp Bowie Blvd Ridglea #6, Fort Worth.
• Aug. 4: PFLAG Fort Worth
Fort Worth Chapter of PFLAG meets the first Thursday each month by Zoom or and in person at 6:45 p.m. at Celebration Community Church, 908 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Worth.PFLAGFortWorth.org.
• Aug. 6: Landmark Dinner
Lambda Legal’s annual fundraising dinner hosted by Dana Goldberg at 6 p.m. at The Statler, 1914 Commerce St. LambdaLegal.org/LandmarkDinner.
• Aug. 6: Protest for reproductive rights
A protest in support of women’s rights to proper reproductive health care, including abortion, focusing on BIPOC and LGBTQIA women, will be held from 6-9 p.m. at Arlington City Hall, 101. W. Abram St. A sign-making party will be held from 8 p.m.-midnight the night before — Friday, Aug. 5 — at Tanstaafl Pub, 409 N. Bowen Road in Arlington. Visit the Facebook event page,https://tinyurl.com/2s4jbk24, for details.
• Aug. 10: Same-sex spouse grief group
Grief support group for people who have lost a same-sex spouse or partner meets on Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. For notifications, contact Richard DeKnock at tastefullyrichard@gmail.com.
• Aug. 12-14: Your Life Is a Spiritual Adventure
Spiritual seekers and Eckankar members gather for a weekend seminar featuring Bob Lawton at the Hilton Richardson Dallas, 701 E. Campbell Road, Richardson. Details at Meetup.com/Eckankar-Dallas/events/286307124.
• Aug. 13: OK2BX Fest
The OK2BX Fest features hands-on arts and games, local artists and entertainment that celebrates the uniqueness and individuality that makes each of us extraordinary from 2-10 p.m. at Deep Ellum Art Co., 3200 Commerce St. OK2BX.org.
• Aug. 13: Austin Pride Parade & Festival
Austin parade along Congress Avenue. AustinPride.org.
• Aug. 18: Let’s Do Lunch
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Lunch takes place the third Thursday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at Lupe’s Tex Mex Grill, 2200 Airport Freeway #505, Bedford.
• Aug. 20: Blue Moon Dances
Women only dances the third Saturday of the month from 7 p.m.-midnight at DanceMakers of Texas, 6125 SW 820 Suite 140, Fort Worth. BYOB. $10.
• Aug. 20: Team Clover Open
Team Clover holds its seventh Team Clover Open to raise money for The Summer of LifeWalk along the Strip on Cedar Springs Road.
• Aug. 24: Same-sex spouse grief group
Grief support group for people who have lost a same-sex spouse or partner meets on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. For notifications, contact Richard DeKnock at tastefullyrichard@gmail.com.
• Aug. 27: Fashion Cited
Annual fashion show featuring up and coming Dallas clothiers and designers benefits Legal Hospice of Texas at The Empire Room, 1225 N. Riverfront Blvd. from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
• Aug. 29-Sept. 3: NAGAAA Gay Softball World Series
Each year, NAGAAA partners with a host city for the Gay Softball World Series, the largest annual LGBT single-sport, week-long athletic competition in the world. Teams from the 46 member cities across North America compete to qualify and represent their city in one of five divisions. Competition takes place at Kiest Park, 2324 W. Kiest Blvd. (at Hampton Road).
• Aug. 30: PrimeTimers
Last Tuesday lunch at 11 a.m. at Hunky’s, 3930 Cedar Springs Road.
• Sept. 1: PFLAG Fort Worth
Fort Worth Chapter of PFLAG meets the first Thursday each month by Zoom or and in person at 6:45 p.m. at Celebration Community Church, 908 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Worth. PFLAGFortWorth.org.
• Through Sept. 4: Disney Art from Private Collections
Art from some of the most creative talent over 80 years of Disney animation at the Arlington Museum of Art, 201 W. Main St., Arlington. Tickets at ArlingtonMuseum.org.
• Sept. 5: Labor Day
• Through Sept. 5: Becoming Jane: The Evolution of Dr. Jane Goodall
World-renowned conservationist and ethologist Dr. Jane Goodall – who has studied chimpanzees in the wild for more than 60 years – is celebrated in this special exhibition, produced in partnership with the National Geographic Society and the Jane Goodall Institute at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, 2201 N. Field St. PerotMuseum.org. $25 admission. $8 for the Goodall show.
• Sept. 6: PrimeTimers
First Tuesday lunch and games at 11:30 a.m. at Flaming Buffet, 11722 Marsh Lane.
• Sept. 6: Classic Chassis Car Club meeting
Enjoy the cars out in the parking lots and then enjoy the food from 6-8 p.m. at Ojeda’s, 4617 Maple Ave. ClassicChassis.com.
• Sept. 6: Let’s Do Dinner
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Dinner takes place the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at El Fenix, 6391 Camp Bowie Blvd Ridglea #6, Fort Worth.
• Sept. 8-25: Clue
Based on the movie which was inspired by the board game, this farce meets-murder mystery begins at a remote mansion where six guests assemble for a dinner party with murder and blackmail on the menu. Wyly Theatre, DallasTheaterCenter.org.
• Sept. 10: Shreveport Pride
People Acting for Change and Equality hold Pride in the Park from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport. PACELouisiana.org.
• Sept 14: Same-sex spouse grief group
Grief support group for people who have lost a same-sex spouse or partner meets on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. For notifications, contact Richard DeKnock at tastefullyrichard@gmail.com.
• Sept. 15: Let’s Do Lunch
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Lunch takes place the third Thursday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at Lupe’s Tex Mex Grill, 2200 Airport Freeway #505, Bedford.
• Sept. 17: North Texas Pride
GALA North Texas holds a Pride festival at the Plano Arts Center and Haggard Park from 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
• Sept. 17: Texas Latino Pride
• Sept. 17: Blue Moon Dances
Women only dances the third Saturday of the month from 7 p.m.-midnight at DanceMakers of Texas, 6125 SW 820 Suite 140, Fort Worth. BYOB. $10.
• Sept. 18: PositiviTEA: A Legacy Brunch
Project Grace fundraiser from noon-3 p.m. at Mack Ballroom, SMU, 3300 Dyer St.
• Through Sept. 18: Cartier and Islamic Art
This major exhibition traces Islamic art’s influence on the objects created by Louis Cartier and the designers of the great French jewelry Maison from the early 20th century to today. Dallas Museum of Art.
• Sept. 22-25: Beyond Vanilla
National Leather Alliance’s Beyond Vanilla weekend starts with a meet-and-greet at the Hidden Door, 5025 Bowser Ave. on Thursday.
• Sept. 23-25: Rainbow Roundup
Camping trip to Jellystone Park, 2301 S Burleson Blvd, Burleson. Info at Facebook.com/rainbowroundup.
• Sept. 24: Black Tie Dinner
Sheraton Dallas Hotel. BlackTie.org.
• Sept. 25: Miss LifeWalk
The Summer of LifeWalk wraps up with the annual Miss LifeWalk Pageant at The Rose Room.
• Sept. 25-27: Rosh Hashanah
Holiday begins at sunset on Sunday through sunset on Tuesday.
• Sept. 27: PrimeTimers
Last Tuesday lunch at 11 a.m. at Hunky’s, 3930 Cedar Springs Road.
• Sept. 28: Same-sex spouse grief group
Grief support group for people who have lost a same-sex spouse or partner meets on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. For notifications, contact Richard DeKnock at tastefullyrichard@gmail.com.
• Sept. 29-Oct. 1: Matteo Lane
Queer comedian headlines the Addison Improv with five performances in three days. 4989 Beltline Road. MatteoLaneComedy.com.
• Sept. 29-Oct. 2: Dallas Southern Pride
• Sept. 30-Oct. 2: Queer History South conference
QHS brings together archivists, historians, librarians, educators, students and community members invested in preserving and researching Southern LGBTQ history to talk best practices, network, and have a great time celebrating the rich and diverse histories of LGBTQ people in the US South. Dallas and Denton. InvisibleHistory.org/qhs.
• Sept. 30-Oct. 1: Fairway to Equality
Calcutta, caddy and team auction on Friday at 6:30 p.m. at Sue Ellen’s, 3014 Throckmorton St. Golf tournament on Saturday at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at Indian Creek Golf Club, 1650 W. Frankford Road, Carrollton. $125 individual, $500 foursome. RSVP at HRC.im/fte.
• Sept. 29-Oct. 29: Screams
Halloween theme park with five haunted houses, a haunted cemetery, live entertainment and more is open Friday and Saturday through October at 2511 FM 66, Waxahachie. $42. ScreamsPark.com.
• Oct. 1: Dallas Latino Pride
Celebrate Pride in Reverchon Park.
• Oct. 2: Mary J. Blige
The queen of hip-hop soul performs at Dickey’s Arena, Fort Worth.
• Oct. 4-5: Yom Kippur
Holiday begins and ends at sunset.
• Oct. 4: PrimeTimers
First Tuesday lunch and games at 11:30 a.m. at Flaming Buffet, 11722 Marsh Lane.
• Oct. 4: Classic Chassis Car Club meeting
Enjoy the cars out in the parking lots and then enjoy the food from 6-8 p.m. at Ojeda’s, 4617 Maple Ave. ClassicChassis.com.
• Oct. 4: Let’s Do Dinner
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Dinner takes place the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at El Fenix, 6391 Camp Bowie Blvd Ridglea #6, Fort Worth.
• Oct. 6: PFLAG Fort Worth
Fort Worth Chapter of PFLAG meets the first Thursday each month by Zoom or and in person at 6:45 p.m. at Celebration Community Church, 908 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Worth.PFLAGFortWorth.org.
• Oct. 8: Pride Frisco Inaugural Block Party
Family-friendly, food trucks, entertainment, vendors, face painting, games at Pride Frisco’s inaugural Block Party from noon-4 p.m. at Grace Avenue UMC, 3521 Main St., Frisco.
• Oct. 8: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
DFW Human Rights Campaign Federal Club and the North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce invite you to an eventful dinner sponsored by individual hosts. Dinner locations are secret and you never know where you might end up. Guests will then go to another secret location for dessert, cocktails and a silent auction. $75 before Sept. 1. $85 after. RSVP at gsctd22.eventbrite.com.
• Oct. 8-9: That 70s Show
The Turtle Creek Chorale breaks Sean’s rule — don’t sing along — with a 70s singalong at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday and 3 p.m. on Sunday at SMU McFarlin Auditorium. TurtleCreekChorale.com.
• Oct. 10: Indigenous Peoples Day
• Oct. 11: National Coming Out Day
• Oct. 12: Same-sex spouse grief group
Grief support group for people who have lost a same-sex spouse or partner meets on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. For notifications, contact Richard DeKnock at tastefullyrichard@gmail.com.
• Oct. 13-30: Trouble in Mind
Follow an experienced Black stage actress through rehearsals of a major Broadway production in Alice Childress’s funny, moving, and ultimately shattering look at racism, identity, and ego in the high-stakes world of New York theater. Kalita Humphreys Theater, 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd. DallasTheaterCenter.org.
• Oct. 14: Burgers & Burgundy
DIFFA event to raise money for HIV services in Dallas.
• Oct. 15: Blue Moon Dances
Women only dances the third Saturday of the month from 7 p.m.-midnight at DanceMakers of Texas, 6125 SW 820 Suite 140, Fort Worth. BYOB. $10.
• Oct. 17: Spirit Day
• Oct. 20: Let’s Do Lunch
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Lunch takes place the third Thursday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at Lupe’s Tex Mex Grill, 2200 Airport Freeway #505, Bedford.
• Oct. 25: PrimeTimers
Last Tuesday lunch at 11 a.m. at Hunky’s, 3930 Cedar Springs Road.
• Oct. 26: Same-sex spouse grief group
Grief support group for people who have lost a same-sex spouse or partner meets on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. For notifications, contact Richard DeKnock at tastefullyrichard@gmail.com.
• Oct. 31: Halloween
• Nov. 1: Classic Chassis Car Club meeting
Enjoy the cars out in the parking lots and then enjoy the food from 6-8 p.m. at Ojeda’s, 4617 Maple Ave. ClassicChassis.com.
• Nov. 1: PrimeTimers
First Tuesday lunch and games at 11:30 a.m. at Flaming Buffet, 11722 Marsh Lane.
• Nov. 1: Let’s Do Dinner
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Dinner takes place the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at El Fenix, 6391 Camp Bowie Blvd Ridglea #6, Fort Worth.
• Nov. 3: PFLAG Fort Worth
Fort Worth Chapter of PFLAG meets the first Thursday each month by Zoom or and in person at 6:45 p.m. at Celebration Community Church, 908 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Worth.PFLAGFortWorth.org.
• Nov. 8: Election Day
• Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day
• Nov. 17: Let’s Do Lunch
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Lunch takes place the third Thursday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at Lupe’s Tex Mex Grill, 2200 Airport Freeway #505, Bedford.
• Nov. 17: Wreath Collection
Sale of Christmas wreaths benefits the work of DIFFA.
• Nov. 19: Blue Moon Dances
Women only dances the third Saturday of the month from 7 p.m.-midnight at DanceMakers of Texas, 6125 SW 820 Suite 140, Fort Worth. BYOB. $10.
• Nov. 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance
• Nov. 24: Thanksgiving
• Nov. 25-Dec. 24: A Christmas Carol
Music, magical spirits, and holiday cheer are ever present in Dallas Theater Center’s traditional production of the classic Charles Dickens story. Wyly Theatre, DallasTheaterCenter.org.
• Nov. 29: PrimeTimers
Last Tuesday lunch at 11 a.m. at Hunky’s, 3930 Cedar Springs Road.
• Dec. 1: World AIDS Day
• Dec. 1: PFLAG Fort Worth
Fort Worth Chapter of PFLAG meets the first Thursday each month by Zoom or and in person at 6:45 p.m. at Celebration Community Church, 908 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Worth.PFLAGFortWorth.org.
• Dec. 6: Classic Chassis Car Club meeting
Enjoy the cars out in the parking lots and then enjoy the food from 6-8 p.m. at Ojeda’s, 4617 Maple Ave. ClassicChassis.com.
• Dec. 6: Let’s Do Dinner
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Dinner takes place the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at El Fenix, 6391 Camp Bowie Blvd Ridglea #6, Fort Worth.
• Dec. 6: PrimeTimers
First Tuesday lunch and games at 11:30 a.m. at Flaming Buffet, 11722 Marsh Lane.
• Dec. 15: Let’s Do Lunch
Coalition for Aging LGBT’s Let’s Do Lunch takes place the third Thursday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at Lupe’s Tex Mex Grill, 2200 Airport Freeway #505, Bedford.
• Dec. 17: Blue Moon Dances
Women only dances the third Saturday of the month from 7 p.m.-midnight at DanceMakers of Texas, 6125 SW 820 Suite 140, Fort Worth. BYOB. $10.
• Dec. 18-26: Hanukkah
• Dec. 25: Christmas
• Dec. 27: PrimeTimers
Last Tuesday lunch at 11 a.m. at Hunky’s, 3930 Cedar Springs Road.
• Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve
• Through Jan. 15, 2023: Octavio Medellin: Spirit and Form
Octavio Medellín was an influential Mexican American artist and teacher who helped shape the Texas art scene for six decades. The first-ever museum retrospective for Medellín explores the evolution of his sculptural practice, his public art commissions, and his legacy as a beloved and respected teacher. Dallas Museum of Art.
• Feb. 16-March 5: Native Gardens
You can’t choose your neighbors in this contemporary comedy where cultures and gardens clash, turning well-intentioned neighbors into feuding enemies. Kalita Humphreys Theater, 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd. DallasTheaterCenter.org.
• March 16-19: TBRU 27
Texas Bear Round Up returns to the Hyatt Regency.
• April 7-30: Into the Woods
James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim take favorite storybook characters and bring them together in this classic musical. Wyly Theatre, DallasTheaterCenter.org.
• May 13: House of DIFFA
DIFFA’s large annual fundraiser.