This evening, supporters of LGBT equality gathered at the NYC Supreme Court building to celebrate Judge Vaughn Walker's overturning of the discriminatory Proposition 8 in California.  The rally featured some incredible speakers, including Marriage Equality New York's Cathy Marino-Thomas and Carlos "Charlie" Ramos, who is facing the vehemently anti-gay Reverend Senator Ruben Diaz, one of the most notorious oppositionists to marriage equality in New York.

Here is a slideshow of the pictures I took at the rally.  I'm terrible at estimating group sizes, but I'd say at its height there were about 200 people there.  Apologies that the slideshow is in reverse chronological order – no idea how to fix that. 

You can find all of the photos here.  If you’re in an organization or anything and want to use any of the pictures for promotional purposes or anything of that sort, please feel free!  You can attribute them to Alexander Laska.

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