
Annise Parker (right) and Kathy Hubbard’s wedding photo (courtesy city of Houston)

State Sen. Dan Patrick (R-Houston) took the occasion of Mayor Annise Parker’s wedding to long-time partner Kathy Hubbard to lash out at her.

In a statement, Patrick said he wasn’t shocked she decided to elope to California to obtain a marriage that’s illegal in Texas. He also reiterated Republican disapproval of an executive order extending partner benefits to married Houston city employees.

“I am not shocked that Mayor Parker decided to elope to California for a marriage that is unconstitutional in Texas,” Patrick said. “This is obviously part of a larger strategy of hers to turn Texas into California. She waited until after her November election to decree that the City of Houston will recognize same-sex marriages from other states. The Texas State Constitution defines marriage as between one man and one woman and Mayor Parker cannot change that. I fully support the lawsuit challenging Parker’s edict and look forward to protecting conservative values as the next Lt. Governor.”

A lawsuit filed by Republicans against the executive order is expected to be thrown out of court because those filing the suit have no standing.

Patrick is running for lieutenant governor.

Other Houston Republicans also criticized Parker’s marriage.

“I think it’s all about her political agenda,” said Jared Woodfill, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party.

Parker said she waited to issue the executive order until after the city attorney had time to study how the federal government and other jurisdictions were interpreting the Windsor decision which declared Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. Houston’s mayor may legally issue executive orders, which Patrick prefers to call edicts and decrees.

Parker said she and Hubbard married to set an example for their teenage daughters. Although Texas doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage, the couple gains a number of federal benefits including filing joint income tax returns.

KHOU-TV in Houston reports that Parker and Hubbard are on their honeymoon.