Via his, National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown has named his “candidate top ten list” for the 2010 midterms:

Carly Fiorina (R, U.S. Sen. from CA)

20101015155723N4Lofbnrz3XVan Tran (R., U.S House from CA)

Christine O’Donnell (Witch R., U.S. Sen. from DE)

Campbell Cavasso (R., U.S. Sen. from HI)

Kelly Ayotte (R., U.S. Sen. from NH)

Sharron Angle (R., U.S. Sen. from NV)

Patrick Toomey (R., U.S. Sen. from PA)

Keith Fimian (R., U.S. House from VA)

John Raese (R., U.S. Sen. from WV)

Dino Rossi (R., U.S. Sen. from WA)


But fellow gays, you should still probably go ahead and believe Brian when he says that NOM’s “protect marriage” fight is a nonpartisan one. About as much as you should trust him to be your ring bearer!

Good As You