Annise Parker
Annise Parker

Days before the Houston mayoral runoff, a Zogby poll conducted for The Houston Chronicle indicates that out lesbian Annise Parker retains a 5.5 percent lead, which could be erased by undecided voters. The poll gives Parker 41.9 percent and Gene Locke 36.4 percent.
This is the fourth poll since the election that puts Parker in the lead.
The Chronicle also reports that Locke’s campaign finance chairman along with a member of his finance committee funded an anti-gay mailer sent over the last few weeks.
Earlier in the election, Locke sought the endorsement of the Houston Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus. As city attorney, he wrote Houston’s non-discrimination ordinance.
In his race with Parker, however, he has sought the support of anti-gay activist Steven Hotze.
The mailer was sent by Hotze PAC.
Parker also accuses Locke’s campaign with coordinating with homebuilder Bob Perry who donated $50,000 to the Houston Police Officers Union. They sent a mailer that Parker was soft on crime.
Perry, who has built a number of developments in Oak Lawn, is best known for financing George Bush’s “swiftboating” campaign against John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election.
Coordinating efforts between a campaign and PAC are illegal under state campaign finance laws.
For a full story of Saturday’s runoff, see Friday’s Dallas Voice.vzlomalреклама в интернете москва