It’s official, John McCain has chosen a pro-life, NRA member and ex-beauty queen as his running mate. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is known as the women who cleaned up Alaskan government and cut pork barrel spending. Although according to an Alaskan political blog, Palin faces an on-going ethics investigation herself for allegedly trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired.
Her record on LGBT issues seems to be pretty slim — and it’s actually in our favor.
After much political pressure, Palin used her first veto in office to nix a bill that would have kept the state from giving domestic partner benefits to employees on the grounds that it wasn’t constitutional. This made her administration the first Alaskan governor to back domestic partner benefits. But it is important to note that she consulted with the state’s AG first to make sure the bill wasn’t constitutional. (Maybe she was hoping it was)
Other than that, her record on LGBT issues is almost nonexistent. We’ll do some more digging and get back to you later with mobiавито дать объявление