First of all, if you’re following the Creating Change feed, it’s kind of addicting, like a reality show, only without the images. Continuous hashtags and retweets keep the feed moving along. I’m expecting a whole slew of repeated quote posts as the State of the Movement is underway.
But, after all is said and done today and you’re on information overload, try decompressing a bit at Bilerico’s Twitter and blogger reception which looks to be a casual gathering of activist bloggers and the people who love them. Drinks and nosh are said to be on hand and they say no keyboards required. But I imagine TwitPics and updates will still come out of it. That’s at 8:30 p.m in the San Antonio Room B at the Sheraton Dallas.
OK, and thanks to the feed, people are meeting at the Draft Media Sports Lounge (in the hotel) at 9:30 for some Glee karaoke. And by the response and retweets, this is where the crowd’s going to be tonight. You can get the lowdown at #creatingglee.
And of course, there’s always the bars.продвижение портала дешево