The party’s over for Mubarak. Now he has to find a getaway car/plane/boat to exile.

Egypt’s 30 years under President Hosni Mubarak ended to thunderous cries of revolution on Friday, after millions of pro-democracy protesters who’d occupied the country’s largest cities for days threatened a “Day of Marytrs” if he did not leave.

Mubarak had vowed to remain in the presidency, but after 17 days of intense protest and violent outbursts, he was compelled to again appear on television and insist upon staying. While Mubarak did initially cede some powers to his vice president, he did not quit, enraging the protesters.

Then, with a statement on Friday that lasted not but 30-seconds, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced Mubarak’s departure. Before going, the former president reportedly asked the army to assume control of the country’s affairs.

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