You know the routine by now. Kerry Eleveld asks questions at the White House press briefing. Robert Gibbs gives answers that don’t really inspire any confidence. Gibbs reiterated that START is the next priority for the Obama administration. DADT, well, Gibbs doesn’t have a Plan B, because he is pretty sure it will be repealed (heard that before, haven’t we?):

“Fairly soon after [tax cuts], the Senate will move to the debate on START ratification,” Gibbs said. “This is a treaty that has the votes to pass the Senate and I believe will pass the Senate before we go home for the holidays.”

The Senate was expected to take a vote Monday on the tax deal struck between the president and Republicans.

Asked where the DREAM Act and DADT repeal stood on the president’s priority list of “achievable” measures, Gibbs declined to be specific.

“There’s not a list of 1, 2, 3, 4,” he said. “There’s are a series of things I think the president believes are important and can be done this year.”

He added that in his view, “we’re closer than we’ve ever been to making repeal a reality.”

Asked by The Advocate whether other options would be on the table if the legislative effort fails — a definite possibility — Gibbs remained optimistic instead of discussing alternatives.

“Well, I should say this — I think it’s a distinct possibility ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ will be repealed by the end of this year, and that’s where our efforts will be,” he said.

Okay, I don’t think the White House really has a DADT repeal strategy. There, I said it (again.)

Igor Volsky posted the video: