olga-sanchez-corderoA decision by the Mexican Supreme Court could pave the way to marriage equality in all 32 of its states according to the Yucatan Times.
The Mexican Supreme Court ruled unanimously in January the state of Jalisco cannot deny the right to marry to same sex couples.
The court found restricting marriage between one man and one woman “was unconstitutional because it undermined the self-determination of the people and against the right to free development of the personality of each individual.”
The court added Jalisco “generated a violation of the principle of equality, because from that purpose, a differential treatment of homosexual couples compared to heterosexual couples arose, to exclude the possibility of marriage.”
Justice Olga Sanchez Cordero told a news agency that states should take heed and ensure other similar rules barring same-sex marriage were not found unconstitutional.
Same-sex marriage is now legal in six of Mexico’s 32 states.