FOS flier
If you’ve never made it to Dallas Voice’s Freedom of Speech Night at Buzzbrews Kitchen on Lemmon Avenue, tomorrow night might be a good time to check it out. For one thing, I’ll be making my debut at the event, but if you need another reason, this month’s installment features a smackdown debate between Blake Wilkinson and Rick Vanderslice of Queer LiberAction, and Jay Narey and Mike Lo Vuolo of Stonewall Democrats (although Narey and Lo Vuolo won’t be representing the organization in an official capacity). In any case, if Narey’s recent column in Dallas Voice (and the attached comment thread) is any indication, these four will have plenty to talk about. DV Publisher Robert Moore will referee, and I’ll be asking questions along with Freedom of Speech night host Jack E. Jett. The event will follow a stuctured debate format for the first 45 minutes before being opened up to the audience for additional questions. Should be interesting, to say the very least. Admission is free, and the festivities begin at 8 p.m.сайтпроверка посещаемости сайта онлайн