On Friday, the McKinney Courier-Gazette asked some of the area pastors their thoughts on the Prop 8 ruling. Michael Boren talked with a few who were actually on both sides of the ruling. He splices details about the ruling with Cathedral of Hope’s Rev. Dr. Jo Hudson’s response and input from McKinney clergy. Boren didn’t name us out loud as one of his sources when he wrote “When the judge’s ruling was announced, nearly 100 people celebrated outside in the Oak Lawn neighborhood of Dallas, a local paper for the gay community reported,” but I can’t help but give him props for giving us some quotable gold.
This first one is a classic.

The Bible is pretty clear on God making marriage between a man and a woman, said the Rev. Mike Banas from Community Life Church. “He made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” Banas said.

I forget that the choice to be gay is still one way of looking at it.

Nobody that Jerry Clayton knows, however, would vote in favor of a law trying to legalize gay marriage in Texas, he said.
“I don’t think it should be allowed anywhere,” said Clayton, a lay minister at College Street Church of Christ. “That’s a choice that they make to be that way, and they need to live with their choice and not expect everybody else to think it’s the right thing to do.”

It’s nice to see at least one McKinney church welcomes all people to their congregation.

Though marriage exists between a man and a woman in Texas now, the world changes, said the Rev. Herbert McCoy of White Rose Missionary Baptist Church.
“There’ll be enough gays and lesbians speaking out that they will get their wish,” he said.
McCoy teaches the doctrine that every human has fallen short of what God intended him or her to be, he said. His church welcomed all people, and he wasn’t going to run anybody off for being gay, he said. He expected the Proposition 8 case would make it to the Supreme Court.
“My prayer is that people will just settle down and look at what they’re doing,” he said. “If they look far enough in their life, they’ll find out that there’s something other people don’t want them doing too.”