Mansfield ISD’s school board will discuss and vote on a new “gender fluidity” policy tonight (June 25), which includes a “Don’t Say Gay/Trans” provision, anti-trans bathroom policies and pronoun and name change rules. These policies could lead to students being outed to their parents and in school and put in danger.

The new bathroom policy says, “The District will maintain privacy facilities separated by biological sex. Individuals will use the privacy facilities corresponding to their biological sex unless a reasonable accommodation is granted for students seeking privacy.”

The new pronoun rule reads, “District staff will not promote, require, or encourage the use of pronoun identifiers for students or any other persons in any manner inconsistent with the biological sex of such person. District staff will not ask a student for their ‘preferred pronouns.’ Except as described below, District staff will not use pronouns for students which are inconsistent with the student’s biological sex.”

Parents would be notified if their child specified pronouns consistent with their gender identity. Name changes would also be reported. In other words, if someone is named Robert and prefers to be called Bob, the parents would have to be contacted. (The policy just says anything other than their legal name would be reported so I’m assuming they’ll report anyone using any nickname).

Why is Mansfield doing this?

“Biological females and biological males and sex-specific spaces will be protected to provide students equal opportunity, privacy, and safety,” the policy update explains. So while “biological females” and “biological males” will be protected, the new policy implies transgender students will not be protected, will not have their privacy respected, won’t be given equal opportunities and may be subject to physical and emotional violence.

For LGBTQ students and faculty, Mansfield ISD won’t be a very good place to live, learn or teach.

— David Taffet