Pawlenty: D

Thune: D+

Romney: D

Ryan: C-

Trump: D

Santorum: A

Gingrich: D

McConnell: D

Bachmann: D

Those D’s of course have nothing to do with party affiliation. Ryan’s C- aint for conservative. Rather this is the list of faliling “marriage” grades that the National Organization For Marriage’s Maggie Gallagher has given to the slate of Republican presidential hopefuls who’ve spoken thus far at the weekend CPAC convention. A report card unlikely to please any parents, be they opposite-sex, same-sex, or single.

And as for the one bona fide good grade, belonging to Rick Santorum: Maggie admits, in full disclosure, that the former PA senator ran his speech by her ahead of time. Oh, and it’s the “values issues”-deviled Rick Santorum. Maggie could’ve written that “A” three weeks ago.

So all in all: It looks like Maggie’s biggest fight might not be with the many loving gay couples who are sick of pausing their lives to “prove” that they are worthy of full and equal citizenship under the nation’s civil laws, but rather within the one party that she has no choice but to have in her pocket. Because let’s get real: When Michelle “I once hid behind some bushes to spy on a gay marriage rally” Bachmann gives a conservative speech that doesn’t drop even one “protect marriage” rally canard? Well, Tea Partying Toto: I don’t think we’re in the Bush years anymore.

*Maggie’s grades can all be found on NOM Blog

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