Holy guacamole! Eating for a good cause is the best

Finally, a chance to nosh on some Tex-Mex without having to feel guilty about it. Today, for your dining out options, the peeps at Lone Star Ride Fighting AIDS want you and a whole bunch of your friends to consider On the Border for lunch and dinner, and anything in between. All day long, the restaurant will donate 10 percent of food and beverage purchases to the LSRFA. That cheese enchilada sounds much more appetizing, huh? Just don’t expect to get hammered while helping them out. The portions do not include alcohol.
What you need to do is download this flier before heading in. Once you’re seated, give the server said flier and then dine away without any guilt whatsoever.
DEETS: On The Border, 3130 Knox St. 11 a.m.–10 p.m. LoneStarRide.org.