Not pleased with developers’ “‘plan’

I just read John Wright’s story online about the proposed development at the site of Douglas Park (“Another Cedar Springs development planned,” Dallas Voice, July 27) and I was struck by the following quote:

“We’re certainly moving forward and working with the neighborhood and the community to get a plan put together that everyone is comfortable with,” McHenry said.

I am part of the community. Not only do I own a home in the area, I have taught at two local elementary schools for the past 10 years. Some of my students live at Douglas Park as well as other complexes in the neighborhood.

As you know, blocks and blocks of older apartments have been systematically demolished over the last two years with no regard to displaced residents.
I’m part of the community and I definitely am not comfortable with “the plan.”

Has anyone looked into the impact of these developments on the displaced residents, not only the mostly Hispanic working poor, but more specifically the gay and lesbian population seeking affordable housing? What are these developers doing to help those displaced by their wholesale destruction, er, gentrification of Oak Lawn?

I love the quote from 18-year-old Alejandro Flores: “It sucks.”
I agree. It does suck!

Susan Faulkner

Letter writer missed the point

In response to the letter, “Vice Officers Targeting Gays” in the July 27 issue of Dallas Voice, I was so shocked by the content of this letter that I felt I absolutely had to respond.

The general content of Hugo Perez’ letter was to imply that the members of the Dallas Police Department’s Vice Squad make it a sport to “catch queers” and that they “instigate the very thing they are trying to prevent.” Mr. Perez obviously completely missed the point.

The point of these sting operations is to deter crime. These individuals that are in the parks and bushes engaging in sexual activity in a public place are breaking the law. Those officers are doing what they are paid to do, and that is stop the crime.

Mr. Perez also that he read the Dallas Police Departments’ Web site area that lists individuals that have been arrested for indecency-related offenses. Obviously he didn’t read enough, otherwise he would have seen that each month the number of individuals arrested for heterosexual prostitution is far higher than the number of gay men arrested for public lewdness/indecent exposure.

I have a radical idea: How about we just get these folks to not engage in sexual activity in a public place? That way, the DPD can spend more resources on preventing crime like the murder that recently occurred in Oak Lawn.

Sounds pretty simple to me.

Steve “Chip” Robertson

Keep on an open mind on candidates

Several weeks ago the Voice ran an editorial by Chris Crain regarding Mike Gravel (“Bloggers get Gravel in the HRC forum lineup,” Dallas Voice, July 20). In the article, he wrote that Gravel, Kucinich and Ron Paul “are nothing more than political sideshows.” Now of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion, so here comes mine.

I was once again leaning toward the Democratic Party until I actually listened to the Republican debates. Time and time again Mr. Crain’s “sideshow” named Ron Paul was repeatedly the only candidate making any sense, even as I listened to the Democratic debates.

This took me to the Internet where Mr. Crain’s “sideshow,” Ron Paul, has an enormous following, especially on YouTube. I began to watch clips of Paul on Bill Maher, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert (all liberal shows) where this “sideshow” was greeted with cheers and applause (moreso than Ben Afleck who was on with Ron Paul, surprising even Bill Maher). In fact, Bill Maher announced that Ron Paul is his “new hero.”

How is it that a conservative Republican is getting such responses from “liberal” shows, their hosts and their audiences? I had to find out more about this supposed “sideshow.” Thank God for the Internet, where every person can state their own case and publish their own ideas without national media filters and limited soundbites.

“We the People” are certainly entitled to our own independent decisions on potential candidates, but I hate to see when supposedly open-minded, liberal-minded people close their minds to someone just because they “think” that a candidate is not “mainstream” (another term used by Mr. Crain). I have to admit, I had to do my own digging before I found a candidate I could finally support, and I think by now you can guess who that will be in 2008.

I have spent hours upon hours watching interviews and reading stories posted online. In fact, I have never publicly supported a political candidate in my adult voting life until now.

Watching Ron Paul’s interview at Google HQ in San Francisco on topics of gay marriage and gays in the military should give most in our community some real hope that there are even those on “the other side” who still stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. By all means, support the candidate you feel best suited to occupy the White House next year, but don’t close your mind too quickly or write off someone of a different party just because someone else considers them a “sideshow.”

And don’t use derrogatory terminology even if you do disagree with them or their ideas. If they have come this far in the process, they at least deserve some respect. Keep an open mind.

Jeff McKissack

We welcome letters from readers. Shorter letters are more likely to be printed, as are those that address only a single topic. On some weeks we receive more letters than we can print. In that case, we print a representative sample. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity, but we attempt to maintain the writer’s substance and tone. Include your home address and a daytime phone number for verification. Send letters to the senior editor, preferably by e-mail ( Letters also may be faxed (214-969-7271) or mailed (Dallas Voice, 4145 Travis St., Third Floor, Dallas, TX 72504).

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 3, 2007 заказ копирайтингастатистика слов в яндексе