I have been reading the recent discussion in Dallas Voice regarding the effectiveness and bloated budget of the Human Rights Campaign. I’d like to contrast this to recent efforts of Log Cabin Republicans and our David and Goliath fight to bring down "Don’t ask, don’t tell."

On April 5, Log Cabin Republicans filed further action in the United States Central District Court of California against the United States of America and Robert Gates, secretary of defense ( The case is the best hope for judicial action against the legal standing of DADT. The Obama administration is expending substantial resources to defeat our efforts to overturn DADT in this case.

I bring this up in order to contrast Log Cabin Republicans to HRC. With minimal funding and even less staff support than HRC, we are having an impact in real world terms while exposing the hypocrisy of the Obama administration regarding this issue.

We support many of the goals of HRC in achieving equality. That said, a $22 million office building (purchased in 2001 for under $10 million with improvements since at an estimated $12 million), bloated salaries and extravagant budgets are obviously weighing down an organization that could be more effective.

We have proven that lean, mean and focused can get more done.

If you would like to be a part of the real solution that eventually repeals DADT, please consider giving money to our national organization, which has a fund dedicated solely to the legal costs of pursuing our court action to repeal it.

Without our lawsuit, this issue would not be on the Obama administration’s front burner.

Rob Schlein, president
Log Cabin Republicans Dallas

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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition April 16, 2010.

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