Thanks, but there was an error
We were honored to read David Taffet’s article, "Gay Realtors shining through tough times," in the Dec. 25 issue of Dallas Voice, highlighting three of our amazing members.

There was a severe error we’d like to correct, however.

In the part about Keith Yonick, Taffet mentioned that our dues are higher than other area associations. In fact, our dues are the lowest in all of North Texas.
We shop our competitors often to ensure we maintain our leadership position. We’re very proud of the many services we provide at such a tremendous value.
One might assume our dues are high, but we make great efforts to provide the best value in our marketplace.

Jason Hart, IT director
MetroTex Association of REALTORS

Editor’s Note: Information on MTAR dues in the article was based rates quoted by Realtor Keith Yonick. However, information provided by Jason Hart does, indeed, indicate that MTAR’s dues are the lowest.

Thanks for your generosity
Saturday evening, Dec. 19, around 6:30 p.m., my best friend and I were eating dinner at the Indian buffet restaurant on Lemmon Avenue. My friend went to pay for dinner and came back with a small piece of paper on which was written "Happy Holidays."

The owner told him that another patron, who had been sitting near us, paid for our dinner and left the note.

My friend said that he recognized our benefactor from the bars, although he didn’t know his name and had noticed that he watched me several times. My friend thought it was probably because of my obvious handicap, which prevented me from collecting my own food from the buffet and caused me to tremble as I ate. I hadn’t noticed the patron as he was sitting in back of me.

Anyway, we’d certainly like to thank this kind soul for his generosity and thoughtfulness. And we’d like to thank everyone in the GLBT community for their kindness and generosity to the less fortunate among us during this holiday season, as well.


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This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 01, 2010. download games javaцена аудита сайта